Madelyn Holmes, Co-Editor-in-Chief

This was the first spread I made as a group leader. I can distinctly remember seeing the blank template and worrying about how it was ever going to be finished. Everything on the spread was completed and we sent the spread on time to meet our deadline. I am very proud of the mods and the color coordination throughout the spread. This spread marks the first time I independently designed a spread and fell in love with design.
This is one of my favorite spreads from this year's book. Instead of a traditional spread, my co-Editor-in-Chief and I decided to do a body copy on how social media affects mental health. We interviewed many different perspectives from students and from teachers. The other thing I really like about this spread is the easy-to-read graphics and the continuity throughout the page with the colors. Overall, I think this spread stands out in our book.
Social Media


In my first year on staff, this was the very first spread I remember working on by myself. My group leader trusted me to get this spread done and it is one of my favorite spreads because it symbolizes how far I had come in that first year on staff. I also distinctly remember how much time I spent on matching up the cutout of the dominant photo to the actual picture and getting it to fit is one of the biggest accomplishments I had on this spread.
This is the trends page from this year's book and the thing that draws me the most about this is the dominant package photos. We decided to take the photos on top of a parking garage in Troy at sunset and the results we got have been my favorite photographs I have ever taken. The blue in the dominant package also matches the blue in some of the mods, which provides a nice flow throughout the entire page.